Neitzel Design Group has always been sensitive to the Genius Loci (Spirit of the Place) that embodies the South Florida People and Environment. Our design services implements xeric design principles (less water), incorporates native plant material, and looks to the Florida's Natural Landscape as a basis for design.
Residential Design
Neitzel Design Group’s Residential Design Services focus on quality designs that effectively address both client’s needs and the preservaton or enhancement of the Florida ecological landscape. Client objectives for each project include:
1. Define client Needs. 2. Define Site Attributes and Limitations 3. Enhance the Public Presentation of the Property 4. Enhance the Outdoor Living Environment 5. Create Creative Design Solutions Site Problems 6. Specify quality plants that are available at quality pricing 7. Ensure Installation that involves a) Proper Installation b) Heatlhy and Vibrant Plant Material c) Proper Installation 8. Proper Maintenance is addressed whether in a maintenance program or by the selection of a maintenance company